The Radar Calculator as an auxiliary software released device, represents a very useful tool for your radar research or simply for a better understanding of the radar system what will actually be the most common or as an additional useful tool for radar operators who do not have such a tool already built into the system in which they work.So, for that purpose we are designed your radar calculator which contains 15 a very basic equations used in real radar systems almost on daily basis.As an addition it will be implemented as a supplement of radar calculator we added a VSWR calculator under formula number 16th.Supplement of the radar calculator is a table of radar frequency bands (frequency and wave length values) classified by IEEE and NATO.Formulas employed in this calculator are universal and can be used in any primary and secondary radar system without any further adjustment using different measuring units that shall be simply chosen by the user.Each radar formula as a practical help for your better praxis usage has also a calculation example that can be reviewed by user each time before starting own calculation.So let’s start to enjoy calculating of your radar figures on an easiest, practical and powerful way.